Natalie Reed | Founder of Daxi Business Awards

Natalie Reed | Founder of Daxi Business Awards

Now in its 9th year, the DAXI Business Awards 2019 is back once again to reward the organizations and teams who are creating the future of business in East Cyprus.

DAXI GROUP via its AWARDS is a vehicle for sharing best practice and enables the organizations who enter to promote professional improvement, learning, and personal development.

To win or be shortlisted at the DAXI Business Awards is a great honor that identifies you as superior in your industry.

This year, for first time in the history of the Daxi Business Awards, The ceremony will be LIVE on CITY CHANNEL  giving an even bigger exposure to the sponsors and supporters as well as to the winners in business at Eastern Cyprus.

We start a series of interviews with the categories sponsors. The first interview is with the founder of DAXI BUSINESS AWARDS, Mrs. Natalie Reed:

Το CityChannel ξεκίνησε την λειτουργία του το 2017 με κύριο στόχο την προβολή των θεμάτων της τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης, τη στήριξη της πολιτιστικής δημιουργίας και την ανάπτυξη των μικρών τοπικών επιχειρήσεων.

Editors Office
Το CityChannel ξεκίνησε την λειτουργία του το 2017 με κύριο στόχο την προβολή των θεμάτων της τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης, τη στήριξη της πολιτιστικής δημιουργίας και την ανάπτυξη των μικρών τοπικών επιχειρήσεων.

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